  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Resources for Seniors

Page history last edited by Katherine Mulholland 11 years, 1 month ago

Here are some resources which may be helpful to senior citizens and families.  Please check with each organization/agency for age limits and other qualification information.



AARP www.aarp.org

Administration on Aging www.aoa.gov

Benefits Check Up www.benefitscheckup.org

Eldercare Locator www.eldercare.gov

Family Caregiver Alliance www.caregiver.org

Meals on Wheels www.mowaa.org

Medicare www.medicare.gov


Monmouth County Office on Aging: http://co.monmouth.nj.us/page.aspx?Id=170

National Council on the Aging www.ncoa.org


RESOURCE LIST (Division on Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services; 79 page document): http://co.monmouth.nj.us/documents/54%5CSeniorDirectoryApril2012.pdf


Senior Citizens Activities Network (SCAN): http://www.scannj.com/ 


Senior Living Map www.seniorlivingmap.org

SeniorNet www.seniornet.org




Note: Thanks to patron Charles Findlay for identifying many of these resources.

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